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Situated within the folds of the Karakoram mountains lies this extremely stark and cold Trans-Himalayan desert of Ladakh, the hub of a bustling caravan trade between Kashmir, Tibet and Central Asia during the 17-19th century.


Frozen in time, the sparse artisan women of Ladakh huddle up at temperatures below -31°F ( -35°C) for almost 8 months of the year sustaining themselves by creating the magic of their hands in pure sheep, yak and rabbit wool.


Inimitable creative expressions across accessories such as scarves, jackets, skull caps, capes & more - really warm woollies, all natural, eco fashion.


What you find here, you won’t find anywhere else in the world!


Handknit Gifts of grace and compassion

HANDMADE INDIA - Home to sustainable fashion

Pure Pashmina Wool Ladakhi, Pleated Caps

₹7,999.00 Regular Price
₹4,999.00Sale Price
Taxes Included

The splendor of the lightest, softest and warmest wool (warmer than Cashmere), hand knitted into somber yet chic headgear. Made by women in Ladakh with original Changthangi goat wool unders that are rare and rather expensive. Pure and natural, they uphold all the ecological values of self-sustenance, your well-being and protection of our beautiful planet. Heads up for a great cause!

Misconceptions of Cashmere versus Pashmina (Read the history of this misadventure) :

Cashmere is blended wool and is misleading. The original soft pashmina fiber comes only from the underbelly of the Capra Hircus (pashmina Changthangi goat) from the Himalayan regions in and around Ladhak, in Kashmir, which naturally sheds its winter coat every spring, producing just 3 to 8 ounces (100-250 grams) of wool per goat.

Due to its extremely low availability and its very short length of just 28-35 mm it could never be spun on machines and till today, is only loomed by hand by highly skilled artisans from that region. Yet, so fascinated by its supple texture and warmth, the fiber was first brought to Europe by the British who wished to replicate its splendor by using additives like binders to blend it with longer coarser goat wool fibers (60-75 mm) so as to be able to spin the wool on their existing woolen and worsted spinning machines.

In reverence to, or perhaps poach on its origin, they named this blended fabric Cashmere just the way they pronounced Kashmir. As good, or blended as it is, it remains unrivalled to the real thing pashmina. So the next time you read 100% Cashmere, know that it is 100% blended wool! 

handspun premium cashmere
handknit cashmere beanies
vegan silk stoles
pure cotton sarongs


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