From the humble beginnings of the call of Mahatma Gandhi began a movement of self-sustainability, dignity of hand-work and inclusive growth.
A movement of epic proportions. A movement called Sarvodaya.
A hundred years on, millions of hands in unlit hamlets across the gut of India sustain the spirit of this movement, spinning the magic of yarn into awesome fabrics, in pure warm wool, incredible silks and baby soft cottons. Unknowingly supporting the cause of sustainability and the 21st century challenge of protecting our planet through the UNSDG 30.
Anything that you may adorn will not only add to the pride of your
collection, but will fuel the fire of an artisan’s home, and help
make the world a better place for all.
Handmade Gifts of compassion
HANDMADE INDIA - Home to ethical handloomms
Pure Merino Wool Nehru Jacket
Product Description:
Retro is Haute. But then youve got to have attitude to carry this off. Not exactly like Lady Gaga, but for sure youd create a stir. Try one at your next bash, perhaps with your pair of harems, youd blow people out. And yes, for the guys, button all the way up and get yourself that dignified gel look. Killer as they say. Or just button down on your jeans, for that Great Gatsby look. Kill, either way. Eco friendly and carbon neutral the jacket you may adorne will add to the value of your concern of a better world.
From the humble beginnings of the call of Mahatma Gandhi began a movement of self-sustainability, dignity of hand work and inclusive growth. A movement of epic proportions. A movement called khadi. A hundred years on, millions of hands in unlit hamlets across the gut of India sustain the spirit of this movement, spinning the magic of yarn into awesome fabrics, in pure warm wool, incredible silks and baby soft cottons. Ecologically and ethically aligned, khadi upholds the spirit of reducing our carbon foot print where the use of low, or no energy alternatives, is its mantra. Anything that you may adorn will not only add to the pride of your collection, but fuel the fire of an artisan's home and help make our world a better place for all.