Anointed Lord Balaji, Tirupati Shrine Idol. Receive All you Seek
Product Description:
Blessed at his very feet in his holy shrine at Tirupati, this sacred idol with all its energy is alive for invoking his grace in your sacred shrine at home or work. Gift this most precious blessing to yourself and to those you love.
The most visited Hindu shrine in the world, a form of Lord Vishnu, is located in Chitoor district of Andhra Pradesh. According to the Shastras and Puranas, worship of Lord Venkateshwara is the only way to attain salvation (mukti). Rig Veda and Asthadosa Purana sanctify Lord Venkateshwara as the granter of all boons. It is said that the one who is unwaveringly devoted to him will get what he seeks, across lifetimes. Replicated in black stone (Krishna Shila), crafted by hand and hand colored by temple artisans of Karnataka, sculpting temple idols through generations, down 400 years.